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Alumni Hall, Academic Building,, University of King's College, Halifax, NS B3H 2A1
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Exciting news! Canadian philosopher, poet, essayist, and musician Dr Jan Zwicky will deliver the fourth annual Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture, in Alumni Hall of the Academic Building.
Her lecture is entitled "What Meaning Is and Why It Matters".
From the University of King's College website:
The Alex Fountain Memorial Lecturer is chosen each year by the student body of King’s. Students begin a nomination process at the beginning of the winter semester. A long list of twenty is narrowed to a short list of ten by student election. The short list is then prioritized by a student committee which includes the programme directors and the president. In years past, lecturers have included The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Dr. Charles Taylor, and Michael Ondaatje.
This event is FREE.
Alkibiades, a central character in Plato's Symposium, claims that philosophy touches him to the quick. When Socrates speaks, he's often moved to tears and realizes he must change his life. In Alkibiades' Love, Jan Zwicky demonstrates that this image of philosophy is not anachronistic, but remains the living heart of the discipline. Philosophy can indeed matter to our lives, but for it to do so, we must reconceive the methods that, since the Enlightenment, have dominated its self-image in the West.
In these meticulously researched essays, Zwicky argues that analytic and poststructuralist philosophy are not simply fashions in academic discourse, but are manifestations of the technocracy which they sustain and promote. The alternative she develops, by showing it in action, is lyric philosophy - an integrated mode of understanding whose foundations lie in the way we comprehend music and metaphor. Written in lucid and powerful prose, Alkibiades' Love will interest a broad readership, from students of ancient Greek philosophy to ecologists seeking a coherent foundation for their work. Zwicky offers deep and original readings of Freud, Plato, and Simone Weil, and resuscitates Max Wertheimer's work, linking it to our comprehension of mathematics, metaphor, and ecological structures.
Zwicky has been hailed as one of the most important and original thinkers of our time. Alkibiades' Love illuminates and extends her groundbreaking work while providing an accessible introduction for those coming to her thought for the first time.