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Pages on Kensington, 1135 Kensington Road NW, Calgary, AB
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Join Max Foran for the launch of his new book The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife: Failures of Principle and Policy at Pages on Kensington in Calgary.
Hardly a day goes by without news of the extinction or endangerment of yet another animal species, followed by urgent but largely unheeded calls for action. A passionate critique of contemporary wildlife policy, The Subjugation of Canadian Wildlife calls for belief-change as the best hope for an ecologically healthy, wildlife-rich Canada. Challenging established concepts including ecological integrity, adaptive management, sport hunting as conservation, and the flawed belief that wildlife is a renewable resource, Max Foran compels us to recognize animals as sentient individuals and as integral components of complex ecological systems.
Max Foran is professor emeritus of communication at the University of Calgary.