To what extent do federal systems promote multiple identities and attach- ments? How do their identities affect the trust that is assigned to various orders of government and contribute to cohesion in federalist systems? Do cohesive federations depend on public trust and strong attachment to the national or central government? Are attachments and identification with the various orders of government in conflict or are they compatible? Identities, Trust, and Cohesion in Federal Systems offers eight comparative essays that provide key insights into identity debates in federalist countries. The findings are drawn from extensive analyses of public opinion data in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. The editors seek to improve our understanding of how identity, trust, and cohesion correlate with centralized, decentralized, and asymmetri- cal models of federalism in order to gain insight into the diverse governance challenges that various nations encounter. Making effective use of empirical data to draw evidence-based conclusions about federalist governance, Identities, Trust, and Cohesion in Federal Systems breaks new ground in public policy studies. Jack Jedwab is president of the Association for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Institute for Identities and Migration. John Kincaid is the Robert B. and Helen S. Meyner Professor of Government and Public Service and director of the Meyner Center for the Study of State and Local Government at Lafayette College. No government jurisdiction in Canada has so radically transformed its public policies over the past decades as Ontario, and yet the province has also main- tained a striking degree of political stability in its party system. Since the 1990s, neoliberalism has been the point of reference in constructing policy agendas for all of Ontario’s political parties. It has guided the strategy for governance of the dominant Liberal Party since 2003, even as it divides the province between workers and employers, north and south, rural and urban, and racialized minorities and the majority population. With a focus on the governments of Mike Harris, Dalton McGuinty, and Kathleen Wynne, Divided Province brings together leading researchers to dissect the province’s public policies since the 1990s. Presenting original, state-of-the-art research, the book demonstrates that, although the Conserva- tive government of Mike Harris implemented the sharpest and most profound shift towards the establishment of a neoliberal regime in the province, the subsequent Liberal governments consolidated that neoliberal turn. The essays in this volume explore the consequences of this ideological turn across a spec- trum of policies, including health, education, poverty, energy, employment, manufacturing, and how it has impacted workers, women, First Nations, and other distinct communities. Divided Province overturns conventional readings of the province’s politics and suggests that building a more democratic and egalitarian alternative to the current orthodoxy requires nothing less than a radical rupture from existing policies and political alliances. Without such a decisive break, political space may well open up again for the populist right. Greg Albo is associate professor of political economy in the Department of Political Science at York University. Bryan M. Evans is professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University. 2 1 M Q U P F A L L 2 0 1 8 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S December 2018 -i2l9lii87l7SiSl9ZZu8Sn-7vZbmU4Zu8Sn-7vZA64Zgchn--ZZ3o3as -i2l9lii87l7Si8l8ZZu,c9n996ZbmU4Zu,c9n996ZA64Zg-cn99ZZ150r$ hZBZ-ZZh9233ZZc,Z3$0r0.4Zc2ZroT5a.ZZZ a:00£ZoDot5oT5a S P E C I F I C AT I O N S @daapO.ZG05t1fZ6rdCta.Z6asta.Z–Z61$005Z0)ZG05t1fZ6rdCta. July 2018 -i2l,l7788-l787l7ZZu8-n-7vZbmU4Zu8-n-7vZA64Zg8,n99ZZ3o3as hZBZ-ZZc7933ZZZZZ a:00£ZoDot5oT5a P U B L I C P O L I C Y • P O L I T I C A L S T U D I E S Identities, Trust, and Cohesion in Federal Systems Public Perspectives edited by jack jedwab and john kincaid A detailed examination of federalism and public opinion in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. Divided Province Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism edited by greg albo and bryan m. evans A groundbreaking assessment of subnational politics in Canada’s largest province. P U B L I C P O L I C Y • P O L I T I C A L S T U D I E S