Tourism promoters strive to brand their destinations in anticipation of what they think travellers hope to experience. In turn, travel writers react to desti- nations in line with their expectations. While several scholars have docu- mented such patterns elsewhere, these have remained understudied in the case of Quebec despite the frequency with which the province was branded and rebranded and its status as a major North American travel destination in the decades leading up to Expo 67. The first comprehensive history of Quebec tourism promotion and travel writing, From Old Quebec to La Belle Province details changing marketing strategies and shows how these efforts consistently mirrored and strength- ened French Quebec’s evolving national identity. Nicole Neatby also takes into account the contentious role of English-speaking promoters in Mon- treal, belying the view that Quebec was unvaryingly represented and appreci- ated for being “old.” Taking a comparative approach, Neatby draws on books and a wide array of newspapers, popular and specialized magazines, and written and visual sources from outside the tourist genre to reveal how the distinct national and cultural identities of English Canadians, Americans, and French Quebecers profoundly shaped their expectations and reactions to the province. From Old Quebec to La Belle Province traces and explains shifting pro- motional priorities for tourism, travel writers’ varying reactions over the course of four decades, and how these attitudes harmonized with evolving national identities. Nicole Neatby is associate professor in the Department of History at Saint Mary’s University. Beautiful homes, servants, travel – the life of a bourgeois lady in the early twentieth century had nothing in common with the experience of an ordi- nary housewife. Nevertheless, these women were not entirely sheltered. In Genre, patrimoine et droit civil Thierry Nootens examines the travails of dozens of bourgeois women as bankruptcy, embezzlement by their husbands, and separation threatened their life of ease. How did the courts of the Province of Quebec respond to the financial difficulties and domestic disputes faced by these women? What legal and practical knowledge was available to them to defend themselves and to as- sert their rights and needs and those of their children? Combining analysis of case reports and of original court files, Nootens highlights the profound vulnerability of these wives, who were in theory protected by advantageous marriage contracts and by their privileged class status. The first systematic study of this particular form of vulnerability – a social and gendered fragility – also reveals the manner in which judges regulated the obligations, the emo- tions, and the power dynamics of the husband-wife relationship at the heart of the bourgeois family. In the eyes of the judicial system, these were not merely private matters. The morality of marriage, the bedrock of social order in Quebec, was at stake. The wrath of judges thus descended upon wives forgetful of their duties and upon crooked or dishonourable husbands. Thierry Nootens is professor in the Department of Humanities at the Univer- sité du Québec à Trois-Rivières and Canada Research Chair in the History of Civil Law in Contemporary Quebec (19th and 20th Centuries). 2 6 M Q U P F A L L 2 0 1 8 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 6rdCta.Z0pZr$aZQt.r0sfZ0)Z@daTa1WÉrdCa.ZCO$t.r0tsaZCdZ@d Ta1 November 2018 -i2l9lii87l7S-hlcZZu8Sn-7vZbmU4Zu8Sn-7vZA64Zgchn--ZZ3o3as -i2l9lii87l7S-7l7ZZu,,9n996ZbmU4Zu,,9n996ZA64Zg2Sn99ZZ150r$ hZBZ-ZZ8ih33ZZShZ3$0r0.ZZZ a:00£ZoDot5oT5a S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 6rdCta.Z0pZr$aZQt.r0sfZ0)Z@daTa1WÉrdCa.ZCO$t.r0tsaZCdZ@d Ta1 November 2018 -i2l9lii87l7Sh9l8ZZu8in-7vZbmU4Zu8in-7vZA64Zgc2n--ZZ3o3as -i2l9lii87l7S7-liZZu,c9n996ZbmU4Zu,c9n996ZA64Zg-cn99ZZ150r$ hZBZ-ZZc-h33ZZZZZ a:00£ZoDot5oT5a From Old Quebec to La Belle Province Tourism Promotion, Travel Writing, and National Identities, 1920–1967 nicole neatby Making sense of why Quebec changed its tourism marketing brands leading up to Expo 67 and travel writers’ shifting reactions to the province. L E G A L H I S T O R Y • W O M E N ’ S S T U D I E S Q U E B E C H I S T O R Y • H I S T O R Y O F T O U R I S M Genre, patrimoine et droit civil Les femmes mariées de la bourgeoisie québécoise en procès, 1900-1930 thierry nootens A meticulous reconstruction of the judicial, financial, and domestic dangers looming over the wives of the elite at the dawn of the twentieth century.