Like all major events in Canadian history, the Quebec Conference of 1864, an important step on Canada’s road to Confederation, deserves to be discussed and better understood. Efforts to revitalize historical memory must take a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach. The Quebec Conference of 1864 expresses a renewed historical interest over the last two decades in both the Quebec-Canada constitutional trajec- tory and the study of federalism. Contributors from a variety of disciplines argue that a more grounded understanding of the 72 Quebec Resolutions of 1864 is key to interpreting the internal architecture of the contemporary constitutional apparatus in Canada, and a new interpretation is crucial to appraise the progress made over the 150 years since the institution of federalism. The second volume in a series that began with The Constitutions That Shaped Us: A Historical Anthology of Pre-1867 Canadian Constitutions, this book reveals a society in constant transition, as well as the presence of national projects that live in tension with the Canadian federation. Eugénie Brouillet is professor of constitutional law and vice-president of research and innovation at Université Laval, Québec. Alain-G. Gagnon is professor of political science at Université du Québec à Montréal. Guy Laforest is executive director of the École Nationale d’Administration Publique (énap), Québec. Founded by French military entrepreneur Antoine Laumet de Lamothe Cadillac in 1701, colonial Detroit was occupied by thousands of French set- tlers who established deep roots on both sides of the river. The city’s unmistak- able French past, however, has been long neglected in the historiography of New France and French North America. Exploring the French colonial presence in Detroit, from its establishment to its dissolution in the early nineteenth century, Fruits of Perseverance ex- plains how a society similar to the rural settlements of the St Lawrence valley developed in an isolated place and how it survived well beyond the fall of New France. As Guillaume Teasdale describes, between the 1730s and 1750s, French authorities played a significant role in promoting land occupation along the Detroit River by encouraging settlers to plant orchards and build farms and windmills. After New France’s defeat in 1763, these settlers found themselves living under the British flag in an Aboriginal world shortly before the newly independent United States began its expansion west. Fruits of Perseverance offers a window into the development of a French community in the borderlands of New France, whose heritage is still cele- brated today by tens of thousands of residents of southwest Ontario and southeast Michigan. Guillaume Teasdale is assistant professor of history and director of the Detroit River Border Region Digital History Project at the University of Windsor. 2 7 M Q U P F A L L 2 0 1 8 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S December 2018 -i2l9lii87l7S2,l2ZZu8-n-7vZbmU4Zu8-n-7vZA64Zg8,n99ZZ3o3as -i2l9lii87l7S29l,ZZu,c9n996ZbmU4Zu,c9n996ZA64Zg-cn99ZZ150r$ hZBZ-ZZS9233ZZc8Z3$0r0.4Z,ZroT5aZZZ a:00£ZoDot5oT5a S P E C I F I C AT I O N S P1wt55l@daapO.ZHsap1$Zvr5oprt1ZV0s5C.Z6asta. November 2018 -i2l9lii87l779,l8ZZuc-n-7vZbmU4Zuc-n-7vZA64Zgccn--ZZ3o3as -i2l9lii87l7799lhZZu,,9n996ZbmU4Zu,,9n996ZA64Zg2Sn99ZZ150r$ hZBZ-ZZc7h33ZZiZko3.4Z,,ZT&IZ3$0r0.ZZZ a:00£ZoDot5oT5a The Quebec Conference of 1864 Understanding the Emergence of the Canadian Federation edited by eugénie brouillet, alain-g. gagnon, and guy laforest A new interpretation of a key period in Canadian po- litical history. A M E R I C A N H I S T O R Y • F R E N C H H I S T O R Y P O L I T I C A L H I S T O R Y • C A N A D I A N H I S T O R Y Fruits of Perseverance The French Presence in the Detroit River Region, 1701–1815 guillaume teasdale A study of French land occupation in the Detroit River region through the French, British, and American regimes.