The written and verbal traces of the past have been extensively studied by his- torians, but what about the nonverbal traces? In recent years, historians have expanded their attention to other kinds of sources, but seldom have they taken into account the most vital and omnipresent nonverbal aspect of life – body language. Silent History explores the potential of early photography to un- cover the structure and nature of everyday body language in the late nine- teenth and early twentieth centuries. Through a close study of street photography by pioneering photographers who were the first to document urban everyday life with hidden cameras, Peter Andersson examines a key period of history in a new light. By focusing on a number of body poses and gestures common to the nonverbal communi- cation of the fin de siècle, he reveals the identifications and connotations of daily social interaction beyond the written word. Andersson also depicts a broader picture of the body and its relationship to popular culture by placing photographic analysis within a context of magazine illustration, caricature, music-hall entertainment, and the elusive urban subcultures of the day. Studying archival photographs from Austria, England, and Sweden, Silent History provides a clear picture of the emergence of the modern bodily conventions that still define us. Peter K. Andersson is a researcher in history at Lund University, Sweden. In the first half of the twentieth century, a number of Canadian authors were revealed to have faked the identities that made them famous. What is extraor- dinary about these writers is that they actually “became,” in everyday life, characters they had themselves invented. Many of their works were simultane- ously fictional and autobiographical, reflecting the duality of their identities. In Literary Impostors, Rosmarin Heidenreich tells the intriguing stories, both the “true” and the fabricated versions, of six Canadian authors who obliterated their pasts and re-invented themselves: Grey Owl was in fact an Englishman named Archie Belaney; Will James, the cowboy writer from the American West, was the Quebec-born francophone Ernest Dufault; the prairie novelist Frederick Philip Grove turned out to be the German writer and translator Felix Paul Greve. Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, Onoto Watanna, and Sui Sin Far were the chosen identities of three mixed-race writ- ers whose given names were, respectively, Sylvester Long, Winnifred Eaton, and Edith Eaton. Heidenreich argues that their imposture, in some cases not discovered until long after their deaths, was not fraudulent in the usual sense: these writers forged new identities to become who they felt they really were. In an age of proliferating cyber-identities and controversial claims to ances- try, Literary Impostors raises timely questions involving race, migrancy, and gender to illustrate the porousness of the line that is often drawn between an author’s biography and the fiction he or she produces. Rosmarin Heidenreich is professor emerita at the Université de Saint-Boniface. 2 9 M Q U P F A L L 2 0 1 8 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S October 2018 -i2l9lii87l7Si7liZZuSSn-7NZbmU4Zu8-n-7NZA64Zgc7n99ZZ150r$ iZBZ,9ZZ8h233ZZ-2Z3$0r0. a:00£ZoDot5oT5a S P E C I F I C AT I O N S August 2018 -i2l9lii87l7S7SlcZZu8in-7vZbmU4Zu8in-7vZA64Zgc2n--ZZ3o3as -i2l9lii87l7S78l7ZZu,c7n996ZbmU4Zu,c7n996ZA64Zg-hn99ZZ150r$ hZBZ-ZZ87c33ZZ2Z3$0r0. a:00£ZoDot5oT5a Silent History Body Language and Nonverbal Identity, 1860–1914 peter k. andersson An innovative historical study of body language using unknown snapshot photography. Literary Impostors Canadian Autofiction of the Early Twentieth Century rosmarin heidenreich The first study to offer an in-depth, systematic examination of literary imposture in Canada viewed through the lens of autofiction. E U R O P E A N H I S T O R Y • P H O T O G R A P H Y L I T E R A R Y C R I T I C I S M • C A N A D I A N L I T E R AT U R E