In 1882, Robert Koch identified tuberculosis as an infectious bacterial disease. In the sixty years between this revelation and the discovery of an antibiotic treatment, streptomycin, the disease was widespread in Canada, often infecting children within their family homes. Soon, public concerns led to the establish- ment of hospitals that specialized in the treatment of tuberculosis, including the Toronto sanatorium, which opened in 1904 on the outskirts of the city. Situated in the era before streptomycin, Building Resistance explores chil- dren’s diverse experiences with tuberculosis infection, disease, hospitalization, and treatment at the Toronto sanatorium between 1909 and 1950. This early sanatorium era was defined by the principles of resistance building, recogniz- ing that the body itself possessed a potential to overcome tuberculosis through rest, nutrition, fresh air, and sometimes surgical intervention. Grounded in a rich and descriptive case study and based on archival research, the book holis- tically approaches the social and biological impact of infection and disease on the bodies, families, and lives of children. Lavishly illustrated, compassionate, and informative, Building Resistance details the inner dimensions and evolving treatment choices of an early mod- ern hospital, as well as the fate of its young patients. Stacie Burke is associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Manitoba. The beginning of the Mexican War of Independence in 1810 triggered radi- cal political, social, and economic changes, including the reorganization of the medical profession. During this tumultuous period of transition, physi- cians and surgeons merged in an effort to monopolize the field and ensure their professional survival in a postcolonial, liberal republic. Carving a Niche traces the evolution of various medical occupations in Mexico from the end of the colonial period to the beginning of the regime of Porfirio Díaz, demonstrating how competition and collaboration, identity, ever-changing legislation, political instability, and foreign intervention re- sulted in a complex, gradual, and unique process of medical professionaliza- tion – one that neither conformed to theoretical models nor resembled hierarchies found in other parts of the world. Through extensive research, Luz María Hernández Sáenz analyzes the uphill struggle of practitioners to claim their place as public health experts and to provide and control medical education in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Highlighting the significance of race, class, gender, and nationality, Carving a Niche demonstrates that in the case of Mexico, liberal reforms praised by traditional works often hindered, rather than promoted, the creation of a modern medical profession and the delivery of quality health care services. Luz María Hernández Sáenz is associate professor of history at the University of Western Ontario. 3 0 M Q U P S P R I N G 2 0 1 8 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S McGill-Queen’s/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society March 2018 978-0-7735-5302-6 $39.95A CDN, $39.95A US, £33.00 paper 978-0-7735-5297-5 $120.00S CDN, $120.00S US, £99.00 cloth 6 x 9 376pp 14 tables, 3 illustrations eBook available S P E C I F I C AT I O N S June 2018 978-0-7735-5331-6 $39.95A CDN, $39.95A US, £33.00 paper 978-0-7735-5330-9 $120.00S CDN, $120.00S US, £99.00 cloth 6.25 x 9.25 640pp 58 photos, 5 tables, 2 maps, 4 drawings eBook available Building Resistance Children, Tuberculosis, and the Toronto Sanatorium stacie burke How tuberculosis infection and disease impacted the bodies, families, and lives of children before antibiotics. H I S T O R Y O F M E D I C I N E • L AT I N A M E R I C A N H I S T O R Y A N T H R O P O L O G Y • H I S T O R Y O F M E D I C I N E Carving a Niche The Medical Profession in Mexico, 1800–1870 luz maría hernández sáenz The first comprehensive analysis of the profession- alization of medicine in postcolonial Mexico.