The importance of research on the notion of trust has grown considerably in the social sciences over the last three decades. Much has been said about the decline of political trust in democracies and intense debates have occurred about the nature and complexity of the relationship between trust and democ- racy. Political trust is usually understood as trust in political institutions (including trust in political actors that inhabit the institutions), trust between citizens, and to a lesser extent, trust between groups. However, the literature on trust has given no special attention to the issue of trust between minority and majority nations in multinational democracies – countries that are not only multicultural but also constitutional associations containing two or more nations or peoples whose members claim to be self-governing and have the right of self-determination. This volume, part of the work of the Groupe de recherche sur les sociétés plurinationales (grsp), is a comparative study of trust, distrust, and mistrust in multinational democracies, centring on Canada, Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Beliefs, attitudes, practices, and relations of trust, distrust, and mistrust are studied as situated, interacting, and coexisting phenomena that change over time and space. Dimitrios Karmis is associate professor in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa. François Rocher is professor in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa. State building is an ongoing process that first defines legitimate citizenship and then generates citizens. Political analysts and social scientists now use the concept of citizenship as a lens for considering both the evolution of states and the development of their societies. In Citizenship as a Regime leading political scientists from Canada, Europe, and Latin America use insights from compar- ative politics, institutionalism, and political economy to understand and analyze the dynamics of contemporary policies and politics. Contributors present original research, critically assess the idea of a citizen- ship regime, and suggest ways to further develop Jane Jenson’s notion of a “citizenship regime” as an analytical tool. Research essays in this volume consider various social forces and dynamics such as neoliberalism, inequality, lgbtq movements, the rise of populism amid nationalist movements in multi- national societies – including Indigenous self-determination claims – and how they transform the politics of citizenship. The only volume focused on citizenship regimes, this book provides an enriched opportunity to reflect on the future of citizenship in Canada and throughout the world. Mireille Paquet is assistant professor of political science at Concordia University. Nora Nagels is assistant professor of political science at the Université du Québec à Montréal. Aude-Claire Fourot is associate professor of political science at Simon Fraser University. 3 1 M Q U P S P R I N G 2 0 1 8 S P E C I F I C AT I O N S June 2018 978-0-7735-5351-4 $37.95A CDN, $37.95A US, £31.00 paper 978-0-7735-5350-7 $120.00S CDN, $120.00S US, £99.00 cloth 6 x 9 392pp 7 tables eBook available S P E C I F I C AT I O N S Democracy, Diversity, and Citizen Engagement Series June 2018 978-0-7735-5343-9 $34.95A CDN, $34.95A US, £28.99 paper 978-0-7735-5342-2 $120.00S CDN, $120.00S US, £99.00 cloth 6 x 9 408pp eBook available Trust, Distrust, and Mistrust in Multinational Democracies Comparative Perspectives edited by dimitrios karmis and françois rocher The first collaborative, critical, historical, and com- parative survey of the dynamics of trust, distrust, and mistrust in multinational democracies. Citizenship as a Regime Canadian and International Perspectives edited by mireille paquet, nora nagels, and aude-claire fourot What citizenship reveals about a society, its politics, its history, and its current challenges. P O L I T I C A L S T U D I E S • P O L I T I C A L P H I L O S O P H Y P O L I T I C A L S T U D I E S