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MQUP welcomes proposals for manuscripts in all areas of the social sciences and humanities, for both scholarly and general interest readerships. (Browse our catalogues and our book series for a sense of our publishing program.) Unrevised theses, unrevised conference proceedings, and bibliographies are not considered for publication. Anthologies, memoirs, and reference works are genres in which we publish only occasionally. MQUP publishes in English, with a small French-language program comprised of works published in French and English editions and original scholarship in our series Studies on the History of Quebec/Études d’histoire du Québec. For submissions to the Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series, please visit the series page.
Your proposal gives you the opportunity to tell us what your manuscript is about, why it is important, who it is for, and why you are the best person to write it. Your proposal can be for a projected work, a work in progress, or a finished manuscript. A complete proposal will include the following:
1. Description of the work. Describe the objectives, arguments, themes, and scope of your manuscript. Be sure to mention what you consider to be its outstanding and distinctive features.
2. Outline/Table of contents. Provide a chapter outline of the manuscript along with a paragraph-length description of each chapter.
3. Description of readership. If you are writing a scholarly work, identify the field(s) in which you expect to find readers and at what level of specialization. Is your book mainly for scholars or is it one that students might also use, and if so, in what types of courses? If you are writing for a wider audience, tell us about the prospective readers you have in mind and why.
4. List of comparable titles. Tell us about the comparable titles that have been published on your subject in recent years, explaining how your proposed book is different and how it engages and adds to this existing body of work.
5. Technical details
6. Sample chapters. Enclose one or two draft chapters of the manuscript, if available. The Introduction is especially helpful for us to review.
7. Your curriculum vitae
If you are preparing a proposal for one of the following types of work, click on the links below to view guidelines and suggestions.
Unsolicited proposals should be submitted via e-mail to our editorial department or via post to one of our two main office addresses in Montreal and Kingston. We acknowledge proposals when received and will let you know as soon as possible, usually within two weeks, whether we intend to invite your submission of the full manuscript for review. If your proposal is under consideration by other publishers during this period, we would appreciate if you would notify us.