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This is part four of a four part virtual panel series celebrates the publication of CIGI's newest book, Corporate Citizen: New Perspectives on the Globalized Rule of Law, edited by Oonagh E. Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald will moderate a panel of five experts on a different topic for each part. Presented by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in collaboration with the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) of the University of Ottawa.
Tabatha Bull, President & CEO, Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business
Richard Janda, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, and Associate Member, School of Environment, McGill University
Lucas Mathieu, Judicial Fellow, International Court of Justice
Sara Seck, Associate Professor of Law, Dalhousie University
The contributors to Corporate Citizen explore the legal frameworks and standards of conduct for multinational corporations. In a globalized world governed by domestic and international law, these corporations can be everywhere and nowhere at once, reaping financial benefits and enjoying the protections of investor-state arbitration but rarely being held accountable for the economic, environmental, and human rights harms they may have caused. Given the far-reaching power and success of the transnational corporation, and the many legal tools allowing these companies to avoid liability, how can governments protect their citizens?
Oonagh E. Fitzgerald is former director of international law at the Centre for International Governance Innovation.