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In honour of Remembrance Day, we’ve created a reading list of recent military history titles.
We are very proud to have published Through Their Eyes, which imagines the experiences of Canadian soldiers during the First World War through graphic artwork and illustration. Tune in to The Sunday Edition this weekend to hear author Robert … Read More >
(PCUH) – The 24th Annual Saskatchewan Book Awards were held April 29, 2017 at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan. The awards celebrate excellence in writing and publishing. Prof. Bohdan Kordan’s No Free Man: Canada, the Great War, and the Enemy Alien Experience was shortlisted and then selected as the recipient of the Jennifer … Read More >
We are very pleased to have Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger, editor of several MQUP titles and coeditor of War Memories (Spring 2017), as our guest blogger. In her post, Stéphanie who is one of the series editors, speaks about MQUP’s new Human Dimensions in Foreign Policy, Military Studies, and Security Studies Series. (Series editors: Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger, … Read More >
For Remembrance Day we have selected a few of our recent military history titles to create a reading list. The list is varied and includes a novel about German occupied Northern France during World War I, a study on combat motivation for Canadian soldiers during WWII, the stories and memories of those in Newfoundland during WWII and more!
This year marks the centenary of two major events of World War I, the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Verdun. To commemorate, why not add Invasion 14, an epic novel recounting the German occupation of northern France during World War I, to your summer reading list?
Based on personal experience, survivor testimony, and documentary … Read More >