Leading experts offer a timely examination of the state of post-secondary education.
Alarms have been increasingly raised about the declining quality of Canadian universities given years of chronic underfunding, overcrowding, and dramatically rising tuition fees and student debt levels. This volume offers a number of reform proposals to address these issues in Canadian post-secondary education.
Topics include North American trends and key issues facing American higher education; funding and regulatory incentives; the struggle between accessibility and quality; the links between universities, innovation and economic growth; the 2004 UK Higher Education Act; demographic needs and future supply of faculty; student financing; the effects of tuition, family background, and the MacLean's rankings on enrollment rates; and the role of quality assurance and performance indicators in PSE operations.
Contributors include Douglas Auld (Loyalist College), Nicholas Barr (London School of Economics), Julian Betts and Carolyn Lee (University of California, San Diego), Charles Beach, Robin Boadway and R. Marvin McInnis (Queen's University), John Burbidge (University of Waterloo), David M. Cameron (Dalhousie University), Lorne Carmichael (Queen's University), John Chant (Simon Fraser University), Miles Corak, Garth Lipps and John Zhao (Statistics Canada), Kirk Collins and James Davies (University of Western Ontario), Ronald Ehrenberg (Cornell University), Herb Emery (University of Calgary), Ross Finnie (Queen's University and Statistics Canada), Eric Lascelles and Arthur Sweetman (Queen's University), Peter George (McMaster University), John Greenwood (S.R.D.C.), Nicole Fortin (University of British Columbia), David Laidler (University of Western Ontario), David Leyton-Brown (O.C.G.S.), Clément Lemelin (Université du Québec à Montréal), Richard Mueller and Duane Rockerbie (University of Lethbridge), Kevin Milligan (University of British Columbia), Elizabeth Parr-Johnston (University of New Brunswick), Kenneth Snowdon; Michael Skolnik (O.I.S.E.), and Hans Vossensteyn and Alex Usher (Canada Millennium Foundation).